Low Cost, Large Scale Environmentally Conscience Cannabinoids Extraction

Water Soluble Precursor Cannabinoids

World's First Raw Hemp Extraction
No Emulsification
No Encapulation
Pure Raw Hemp CBDA/CBD Extract Which Is Water Soluble In Almost Any Liquid
Stable Raw CBDA Extract Which Can Be Solidified
Solid Extract Can Be Used In Vaporizers, Edibles, Or Any Other Products
CBDA is 1000x more effective in the body than just CBD oil. This means our packets is absorbed by the body quicker, efficiently, and more effectively. Our packets contain important CBDA, CBD, and other important minor cannabinoids to enhance the benefits of our total spectrum extraction methodology.
CBDA is 1000x more effective in the body than just CBD oil. This means our packets is absorbed by the body quicker, efficiently, and more effectively. Our packets contain important CBDA, CBD, and other important minor cannabinoids to enhance the benefits of our total spectrum extraction methodology.
Proof Of Concept Packets
NovelDivide Created An Easy And Extremely Low Cost Product For PoC Which Demonstrations Bio-Availability Of Our Patented Extract Process

What We Extract
NovelDivide uses a proprietary technology which allows our extract to be water soluble or solid stable without the use of Nanoencapsulation or Nano emulsification

Revolutionary Process In Full Spectrum Extraction
Medium to large scale extraction at a fraction of the cost of both ethanol and hydrocarbon
Non-Caustic methodology to extract cannabinols in their purest form
Machinery able to extract 24/7* with both wet and dry biomass
Our extraction process is both environmentally safe for our end product as well as our remaining byproduct
Voices of the Pros
Sonix Production
Casey Hunter
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Just a Label
Alex De Mayo
"Use this space to share a testimonial quote about the business, its products or its services. Insert a quote from a real customer or client here to build trust and win over site visitors."

BRKN sounds
DJ EchoStorm
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Proof Of Concept
Pure Raw Premium Natural CBDA Hemp Extract in an easy to go packet. We retain all the natural occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, co-factors, co-nutrients, flavonoids, and chlorophyll which induces the "entourage effect."
Our patented formula allows you to enjoy the full benefits of our Premium CBDA/CBD/Minor Cannabinoid packets conveniently, instantly, and effectively!